How Much Do I Need to Make a Living Trading?

A lot of times I get asked this question. Is it possible to make a living trading? Well there is no quick simple answer to this. There are several factors you have to consider.

While gains in crypto can be amazing, are they consistent enough to pay your rent on time every month, and provide enough money for you to buy groceries, and pay for gas, fix the furnace, take care of unexpected medical bills? You get the picture.

How much do you reasonably expect to make in % gains per year?

Are you shooting for 40%? 25%? 250%? How realistic are these goals to you?

Here’s a quick example

Let’s start with a the small number of 25%.

Goal annual income from trading:$50,000

Annual ROI: 25%

Here’s the key element! Wait for it!
Funds available to trade with: $40,000

Annual profit:$10,000

Oh No! You didn’t make enough to live on! How can we fix this? I know! Let’s start with a higher trading balance. In order to make $50,000 a year with a 25% return I would need to trade with an account size of $200,000.

Equation is ROI% / Annual Profit = Account Size required.

Let’s take this a step further and create a chart you can use to help guide you in this process:


In the chart above you can see that in order to clear $50k profit in a year you would have to be using at least $30,000 account size. and then would need 170% return. Which is pretty  great. Not impossible in crypto but shouldn’t be considered a walk in the park either.

What’s the takeaway from all of this?

By all means making a living trading would be amazing. It is also doable. Just keep in mind some realistic numbers to gain a better perspective on what is necessary to achieve these results. The good news is you are already on target in 15 Minutes to Financial Freedom to attain 30-40% profit per year using our passive bot trading strategy. Will  you need more to make this a living? Probably yes, unless you have a large stack to start with.

Increase your profit potential with our advanced courses

Imagine reaching 100% more than once a year. Some of our students in Mastering Passive Income have made returns that are off the chart shown above. The TBO Switch in the last year using less than 5x leverage returned over 1800%. Running the TBO Switch since 2017 with no leverage returned 7658%.  Nothing is guaranteed of course but learning advanced skills and sharing ideas with a like minded community on our private Discord server greatly increases your chances to have this kind of success.

Make attainable goals

If you aren’t there yet with account size, then start by making attainable goals. Goal #1 could be paying off the cost of the 15 Minutes to Financial Freedom, or Account Building course. Goal #2 then could be then making enough to purchase the advanced courses. Make sure if you do this though that you have enough afterwards to trade with because paying for a course and having nothing left over wouldn’t put you in a good position.

As always. Stay in the green!

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